From Virginia With Love



The Virginia Morning has begun, as I’m sitting in the RV watching CNN with Alisyn Camerota, her co-host, whomever he is, and Paul Bagala, their resident Republican BASHER, as they mock the Republicans and Trump in particular.

It’s kind of hard to enjoy a Montreal Bagel, toasted to perfection, and a cup of hot coffee while watching this drivel. BUT THEN AGAIN . . . I guess life could be worse.

I know that they are all aware of the BEATING the LEFT (Democrats) took yesterday (November 3rd) in State elections, because they reported on it. But, the way they explained the loss, which was so big against the LEFT, that it was just short of an execution . . . was that the Republicans were able to rally their base because of the anger within the Party.


For LEFTISTS who aren’t concerned with the truth, and don’t really care all that much for any in-depth analysis, even if the depth isn’t really all that deep . . . this claim that the LEFT was massacred because the RIGHT are upset with themselves, goes beyond any sane explanation.


BUT HOW ABOUT . . . the LEFT got CLOBBERED, because the majority of people have had it with their Liberal CRAPOLA, and the RIGHT are united in their disdain of LEFTIST policies that are killing the USA . . . and their mountain of LIES?


During this horrible excuse for a Morning News Show, Paul Bagala hit a homerun in stupidity, when he said in reference to TRUMP pounding the Media . . .

CONSERVATIVES don’t like the Media, because they don’t like the truth. I wonder which TRUTH he was referring to:

Was he referring to . . . The ILLEGAL Gun Trade under Holder. The IRS under Lerner. The NSA spying on US Citizens. The Justice Department going after US Journalists like Rosen of FOX News. The Clinton Benghazi Slaughter. The Clinton Foundation selling out the USA for HUNDREDS of Millions of dollars to REALLY BAD ACTORS, while Hilary was Secretary of State. The Clinton Email Scandal. The loss of the Middle East under Obama, Kerry and Clinton. The SELL-OUT of Israel, and so much more . . . so much more that I’ve barely scratched the surface.

Because we’re travelling, I better get my day started, because Anne, Stryker, April the Cat, and I have so many more miles to go before we sleep, I will keep this editorial short, and try to write one every day if possible.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. Re the current administration of the US, why should they identify when they seem to consistently identify with. Every action appears to undermine our Republic.

  2. Very accurately put Howard, but CNN?! Thanks, best to ya and safe travels to you.

  3. Always enjoy and welcome your editorials….and on the same page as you! Safe traveling.
    Shirley, Surprise, AZ.

  4. I totally agree with your factually stated editorial. New subject: H.R. 1769 or S. 901; pending legislation in the U.S. Congress. My government is still trying to find legal ways to cover-up how military men and women were poisoned serving our country, i.e. “Agent Orange,” and “Camp Lejeune Drinking Water.” I was exposed to both.

    Isaac Goodman
    Retired U.S. Marine Corps
    Viet Nam (68-69)
    Laus Deo…Semper Fidelis

  5. I commend you for having the stomach to watch CNN. I prefer not to be sick. Have a safe trip South.

  6. Your first mistake is even watching Communist News Network…! Ha! Ha!
    Be sure to stroke the cat, pet the dog, kiss the wife, and keep your eyes on the road… Watch out for the “other” guy on the road, ’cause you’re one of the only people we can truly trust with the FACTS — That’s why you have such a great following, and we want you to be safe.

  7. May I say the dems have their heads so far in the sand that they’ll hoping they see China or Russia. Not gonna happen.

  8. Could it be that the LEFT is FINALLY beginning to realize that we, the folks on and for the RIGHT, are truly making a difference in the upcoming dismantling of their ideals, etc? One can only hope. Have a safe and wonderful trip, and may God bless you all.

  9. As Senator Patrick Moynihan is quoted as saying, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” And he also said, I believe, “The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it’s so rare.” It seems this is also true of today’s mainstream media and their capability with or avoidance of facts. Thank you Howard for your observations and thoughts.

  10. I recommend that your followers/readers, tune in to the evening radio broadcast “COAST TO COAST AM” w/ George Noory. He is a wonderful talk-show host, has terrific guests 7 nights a week, and most of them are right leaning, which is a rare occurrence in the media today.

    Also read and/or listen to CRAIG B. HULET. A knowledgeable gentleman very concerned w/ the current state of North America (& the world).

    Both seem to be an extension of your own views, Howard.

  11. The barometer for Leftist analysis, in addition to mendacity, is non sequitur.

  12. If you have a chance stop in at the Commenorative Air Force hanger at Falcon Field in Peachtree City, GA. They have several WW11 airplanes (including P-51, SBD Dauntless) and a small museum. There are many wonder people there volunteering their time to keep these airplanes flying. Please call (678-364-1110). They could give you a tour or you can fly in a WW11 Airplane. It depends on when they do their annuals & available pilots for rides. Please contact them. Wonderful people, wonderful place.

  13. How can the Democrats be so stupid as to not realize that Obama and his minions are destroying our country—unless they’re on drugs? Obama is focusing on bringing in as many ILLEGALS as he can, plus now, he’s working on criminals being released from jail. Obama’s GOAL for these activities is FRAUD VOTING in 2016. How will the Republicans COPE with these activities because we KNOW that, somehow or other, SOME will be able to vote—LEGALLY OR NOT. Enjoy your trip and be safe! AMEN!

  14. We in Canada have our own version of CNN – the CBC. Unfortunately, the moniker I’ve managed for them – Conservatives’ Bitching Critics’ may not be quite as all-encompassing as yours for CNN.

  15. HG, wishing you the best winter of your life! How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky: There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. All eight rules are currently in play. The first is the most important. 1) Healthcare: Control healthcare and you control the people. 2) Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control. Google the remaining 6 levels because there’s not enough room here.

  16. CNN or Clashing Conflicting Narrative??? There are really NO major news networks, for Conservatives, these days. At one time, Fox News was close, but, within the past several years, they have lost their way, completely! In the past, back in the 1950’s and earlier, when newspapers were where you went, to find out things – There were Liberal and Conservative newspapers, that pretty much held true to their political beliefs and stance. Today’s MSM lost their way completely, during the Vietnam War.

  17. Howard, How could you leave us in our hour of need. I heard the Gun Registry is already reinstated here and we have the bumbling Dion for Minister of Foreign Affairs. Can you imagine how the world will perceive Canada, Dion, our representative has a very poor command of English. Have a safe trip on your way to your winter abode. We will miss you up here.

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